
  • A life saver!!

    "I have used it for a couple of days so far and I'm loving it!! I've struggled for so long to find a deodorant that can last through an entire day of dog grooming. Even the clinical strength deodorants have never been able to last through the day. This stuff is a life saver!!" - Jennifer

  • Love it

    "Really love this product, so nice on your skin!! Super easy to use! Would highly recommend to anyone" - Lyndall

  • The best!!

    "1 full weeks trial and it is the best deodorant I have ever tried. I have tried so many natural deodorants but this is by far THE BEST!!! I love the creamy texture when I rub it in, even my husband tried and loved it. I work a physical job so it was put to the sweaty test. Thank you for this great product". - Kylie